How we study scripture

At courageous church, we use the AEIOU model to study scripture

    • What is the context of this verse?

    • What is being described in the verses before and after?

    • Read the verse out loud, emphasizing a different word each time.

    • How does this change your understanding or highlight something new?

    • Rewrite the verse in your own words.

    • What does this verse really mean for you personally?

    • Can you find other Bible verses on the same topic?

    • How do they complement or expand on this verse?

    • How can you apply this verse to your life today?

    • What action can you take?

    • Consider memorizing it and praying about how to live it out.

Disciple Track

Welcome to Disciple Track! This is a 8-part video series breaking down what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We encourage your to pray with your leader and have meaningful discussions about what each of these topics mean for you. Below is a leader’s guide to aid your discussions.

A disciple is driven by the mission of God

Next Steps:

  1. Invite Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Saviour

  2. Get Connected - join a ministry team or discipleship group

A disciple imitates Jesus

Next Steps:

  1. Get baptised

A disciple needs to be Spirit filled

Next Steps:

  1. Ask a leader to pray for you for to be filled with the Holy Spirit

A disciple is committed to sharing the Gospel

Next Steps:

  1. Invite someone to have lunch with you this week

A disciple intercedes

Next Steps:

  1. Take 10 minutes to pray using The Lord’s Prayer as a guide

A disciple prioritises the Word of God

Next Steps:

  1. Do a Bible Study using the AEIOU method

A disciple loves like Jesus

Next Steps:

  1. Make a list of what it would look like to love the people in your world unconditionally

  2. Make a list of what it would look like to love the people in your world sacrificially

  3. Make a list of what it would look like to love the people in your world practically

A disciple establishes new disciples

Next Steps:

  1. Do the disciple track with someone else

  2. Be one step more intentional about using the 4D’s of Discipleship in conversations you have with your friends

The 4D’s of Discipleship

Discipleship is an exciting process through which we can all become more like Jesus! At Courageous Church, we believe that building an authentic relationship with people is foundational to making disciples. This means investing time and demonstrating genuine care and love for the people we are discipling. Our main goal in discipleship is to help people to go from their point A to point B in the following four categories, Disciple, Discover, Develop and Dreams. We do this through asking questions and guiding as opposed to making statements and telling. It is important that we are patient and kind the same way that Jesus is patient and kind with us. It is also important that we are keeping the people we are discipling in prayer, we need to pray with people every opportunity we get. A description of the four categories are below.